miércoles, 26 de agosto de 2009

My experiences during the first term of 2009

During my first term i learned very thing in the university. I was really stressed because i had some subjet of the second term of 2008. Fortunately, i could pass all my subjects and get a day in my career. But it wasn`t all bad, i lived very good and entertaining moments with my friends.
One of the most important things that I spend was the changed of apartament. Now, i live very very near to my favorite cousin and more near of my friends. I'm really more comfortable and more quiet.
Regarding my family happened many good and bad things. There were some difficult moments as the death of a cousin and great friend or when my sister was operated on emergency. Today things are much better.
I think that since last semester the friendship with some people has been strengthened much. I began to enjoy the good things of this strange and unknown city.
At present i’m participating of a workshop of the theatrical improvisation. It’s great. I have learned a lot and I have met incredible people. Thanks to that I see things from another point of view.
In conclusion, this year has been positive in many aspects. Although I miss my city and my family, i’m really happy with my career, with my friends, with my new apartament and with my new activities.

The end...

1 comentario:

  1. During my first term i learned WW very thing in the university. I was really stressed because i had some subjet of the second term of 2008. Fortunately, i could pass all my subjects and get a day in my career. But it wasn`t all bad, i lived very good and entertaining moments with my friends.
    One of the most important things that I WW spend was the WW changed of apartament. Now, i live very very near to my favorite cousin and more near of my friends. I'm really more comfortable and more quiet.
    Regarding my family happened many good and bad things. There were some difficult moments as the death of a cousin and great friend or when my sister was operated on emergency. Today things are much better.
    I think that since last semester the friendship with some people has been strengthened much. I began to enjoy the good things of this strange and unknown city.
    At present i’m participating of a workshop of the theatrical improvisation. It’s great. I have learned a lot and I have met incredible people. Thanks to that I see things from another point of view.
    In conclusion, this year has been positive in many aspects. Although I miss my city and my family, i’m really happy with my career, with my friends, with my new apartament and with my new activities.

    good you had an interesting semester. I like the way you write, you remember the connectors!! the only tthing i thin you need is more development in your ideas and how to support them.

    p.s. you got a 5.7
